when democracy morphs to elected oligarchy and America
lacks governance
#c535+1 red/blue elected oligarchy/monarchy general recognitions:
#c535+1 red/blue elected oligarchy/monarchy general recognitions:
- Piecemeal gender representation.
- Piecemeal minority representation.
- Piecemeal foreign wars.
- Dysfunction, gridlock, pettiness.
- Piecemeal healthcare reform.
- Piecemeal immigration policy.
- Piecemeal ecology legislation.
- Piecemeal energy policy.
- Secrecy and piecemeal transparency.
- Piecemeal equality, liberties, & justice.
- Reactionary election voter turnouts.
- Piecemeal constitution. (60% in amendment)
- Reactionary election voter turnouts.
- Compromise & deals, defaulting to tyranny.
- Piecemeal gun responsibility laws.
- Bloody civil war history.
#c535+1 red/blue
elected oligarchy/monarchy economic policy.
- Recurrent economic crisis.
- Endless recession.
- Piecemeal jobs programs.
- Piecemeal high prices control.
- Piecemeal foreclosure preventions.
- Piecemeal tax policy. (volumes of tax code)
- Piecemeal debt control.
- Consolidated wealth and ownership.
- Excessive infertile economic efforts.
#c535+1 red/blue
elected oligarchy/monarchy character issues:
- Broken promises.
- Million and billion dollar elections.
- Dishonesty.
- Scandalous sex.
- Reactionary temperaments.
- Unresponsiveness.
- Ambiguity.
- Unread letters, email, and twitters reach the moon.
- Impersonality.
- Foggy vision of the future.
It's common sense. When service in a restaurant suffers, more waiters are needed. It's common sense. When fire breaks out everywhere, more fire fighters are needed. It's common sense. When crime becomes rampant, more police are needed. It's common sense. Building a house requires enough carpenters or waiting a lifetime for results. #c535+1 didn't build Hoover dam. #c535+1 didn't build the interstate highway. Middle America did. (millions of them)
Apportionment: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/apportionment?s=t http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apportionment_%28politics%29
Apportion history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_the_first
Keep the #c535+1.
Send 6800 more. #c535+1
is elected autocrat-centered oligarchy. #c7329 is citizen-centered
democracy. The MART citizen-chamber does the right thing. The MART autocrat-chamber gets it done. Third
millennium citizen-democracy is unstoppable.
Resistance or delay is truly tragic.
Got science? NASA simulates Mars. The MART #c7329 team simulates
democracy. Born red/blue? Don't die red/blue.
Your congress is so bad: http://middleamericareformparty.blogspot.com/2012/09/yourcongressissobad.html
Article the First apportionment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_the_first
Iron Law of Oligarchy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_law_of_oligarchy
Article the First apportionment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_the_first
Iron Law of Oligarchy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_law_of_oligarchy
MART defined: http://wp.me/p1fQnO-dL
Full Disclosure: http://wp.me/p1fQnO-o
Plan B: http://wp.me/p1fQnO-g
Communication: http://wp.me/p1fQnO-eC
Transparent Budget Writing and Presentation: http://middleamericareformparty.blogspot.com/2012/02/transparent-budget-writing-and.html
Capitalism: http://wp.me/p1fQnO-dX
Abolish the fed. http://jrclifford.com/Jekyll.html
Start:#c7329 wp.me/s1fQnO-start
@_marp @coach1640280
Twitter: @_MARP http://twitter.com/#!/_MARP @coach1640280 https://twitter.com/coach1640280
Audience:#c7329 #ows #occupy @OccupyTogether
Transparent Budget Writing and Presentation: http://middleamericareformparty.blogspot.com/2012/02/transparent-budget-writing-and.html
Capitalism: http://wp.me/p1fQnO-dX
Abolish the fed. http://jrclifford.com/Jekyll.html
Twitter: @_MARP http://twitter.com/#!/_MARP @coach1640280 https://twitter.com/coach1640280
Citizen is coach to
team democracy. Coach is
responsible for success. It’s your call, coach. #c535+1
democracy hoards power. #c7329 democracy shares
power. It's your call, coach.
Wanted: 7329
dedicated patriotic volunteers to secure America's future & prosperity
by forming a #c7329 MART citizen-centered
democracy team. http://wp.me/p1fQnO-dL
Presidential candidates (for one of 9 elected MARP executive branch
presidents) 2016 http://wp.me/p1fQnO-dL
May the #c7329 force be with you.
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