Saturday, February 25, 2012

159 Reasons for Democratic Reform

#c535+1  is 535 US congress +1 president executive.
#c7320+9 is reformed 7320 US congress +9 president executives.

Philosophical reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 is democracy for the few. #c7320+9 is democracy for the many.
#c535+1 gender discriminates. #c7320+9 never discriminates.

War/peace  reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 allows war. #c7320+9 demands peace.
#c535+1 makes war. #c7320+9 makes peace.
#c535+1 allows preemptive war. #c7320+9 demands declared war.
#c535+1 runs off to war. #c7320+9 declares war.

Economic reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 leads to 1%owns80%. #c7320+9 leads to 80%owns80%.
#c535+1 hires a federal reserve. #c7320+9 personally manages monetary policy.
#c535+1 tolerates economic extortion. #c7320+9 eliminates extortion.
#c535+1 is endless recession. #c7320+9 is dynamic growth capitalism.
#c535+1 is capitalism lost. #c7320+9 is capitalism renewed.
#c535+1 prints fiat dollars. #c7320+9 creates value-based dollars.
#c535+1 allows dollar devaluation. #c7320+9 demands dollar strength.
#c535+1 allows wallstreet theft. #c7320+9 creates monetary policy.
#c535+1 accepts flat/decreasing wages. #c7320+9 demands increased wages.
#c535+1 accepts high prices/CPI. #c7320+9 fights high prices/CPI.
#c535+1 ignores high prices. #c7320+9 decreases prices.
#c535+1 creates debt. #c7320+9 creates surplus.
#c535+1 accepts home foreclosures. #c7320+9 creates home ownership.
#c535+1 allows an underclass. #c7320+9 expands middle America.
#c535+1 tolerates unemployment. #c7320+9 is 24/7/365 jobs, jobs, jobs.
#c535+1 is endless recession. #c7320+9 is a path to growth.
#c535+1 tolerates recession. #c7320+9 demands growth.
#c535+1 is about taxes,debt,spending. #c7320+9 is about democracy.
#c535+1 loans money. #c7320+9 creates ownership.
#c535+1 tolerates the robber-class. #c7320+9 defends the robbed.
#c535+1 tolerates low pay. #c7320+9 expands ownership rights.
#c535+1 is about taxes. #c7320+9 is about income.
#c535+1 tolerates wallstreet theft. #c7320+9 fights wallstreet theft.
#c535+1 accepts home foreclosures. #c7320+9 fights home foreclosures.
#c535+1 is a wallstreet bonus. #c7320+9 is a transaction tax.
#c535+1 is 10%owns80%.#c7320+9 is an ownership tax.
#c535+1 is  wealthy-elite taxbreak. #c7320+9 is middle-America tax break.

Governance reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 filibusters. #c7320+9 governs.
#c535+1 runs moneyed elections. #c7320+9 runs grass-root elections.
#c535+1 demands big salaries. #c7320+9 accepts median salary.
#c535+1 is bureaucratic power. #c7320+9 is people power.
#c535+1 relies on law. #c7320+9 relies on consensus.
#c535+1 is about control. #c7320+9 is about freedom.
#c535+1 discriminates. #c7320+9 accepts.
#c535+1 is divisive. #c7320+9 is unifying.
#c535+1 is election centered. #c7320+9 is democracy centered.
#c535+1 is incapable of tough decision. #c7320+9 lives for tough decisions.
#c535+1 is good-cop/bad-cop elections. #c7320+9 is unity elections.
#c535+1 is 5% representation. #c7320+9 is 1790 representation.
#c535+1 supports federal centralization. #c7320+9 supports local government.
#c535+1 filibusters. #c7320+9 votes.
#c535+1 is democracy lost. #c7320+9 is democracy inspired.
#c535+1 is about money. #c7320+9 is about people.
#c535+1 is oligarchy. #c7320+9 is democracy.
#c535+1 rewards the rogue. #c7320+9 rewards the collaborator.
#c535+1 writes laws. #c7320+9 expands freedoms.
#c535+1 relies on lawyers. #c7320+9  relies on citizens.
#c535+1 is about power. #c7320+9 is about democracy.
#c535+1 prunes democracy. #c7320+9 grafts democracy.
#c535+1 believes in lawyers. #c7320+9 believes in fair play.
#c535+1 is about salary. #c7320+9 is about country.
#c535+1 allows usurpation. #c7320+9 demands representation.
#c535+1 allows moneyed elections. #c7320+9 demands fair elections.
#c535+1 is about taxes. #c7320+9 is about service.
#c535+1 governs from weakness. #c7320+9 governs from strength.
#c535+1 is doubtful governance. #c7320+9 is inspired governance.
#c535+1 is active. #c7320+9 is 24/7/365 busy.
#c535+1 is competent? #c7320+9 gets the job done.
#c535+1 tolerates stagnation/regression. #c7320+9 demands progress.
#c535+1 engages in malfeasance. #c7320+9 possesses a moral compass.
#c535+1 is misguided. #c7320+9 maintains high moral ground.

Leadership reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 is leadership lost. #c7320+9 is leadership inspired.
#c535+1 allows fear. #c7320+9 inspires courage.
#c535+1 allows despair. inspires hope.
#c535+1 is leadership. #c7320+9 is inspired leadership.
#c535+1 is totally confused. #c7320+9 is totally righteous.
#c535+1 is diminishing approval. #c7320+9  is skyrocketing approval.
#c535+1 is indecision. #c7320+9 is already decided.
#c535+1 relies on incarceration. #c7320+9 relies on freedom.
#c535+1 listens to lobbyists. #c7320+9 listens to citizens.
#c535+1 ignores problems. #c7320+9 solves problems
#c535+1 has low ratings. #c7320+9 is super rated.
#c535+1 allows mismanagement. #c7320+9 manages.
#c535+1 is about winning power. #c7320+9 is about sharing power.
#c535+1 tries hard. succeeds. #c7320+9#c535+1 is about words. is about action.
#c535+1 talks about change. #c7320+9 is change.
#c535+1 is about ideas. #c7320+9 is about dreams, big dreams.
#c535+1 has synergy. #c7320+9 is beyond synergy.
#c535+1 accepts futility. #c7320+9 fosters hope.
#c535+1 eliminates options. #c7320+9 creates alternatives.
#c535+1 is frustrated. #c7320+9 dreams big dreams.

Honesty reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 is slightlly trusted. #c7320+9 is completely trusted.
#c535+1 tolerates dishonesty. #c7320+9 inspires honesty.
#c535+1 is cronyism. #c7320+9 is justice.
#c535+1 is lobbied. #c7320+9 is objective.
#c535+1 is corruptible. #c7320+9 is totally incorruptible.
#c535+1 lacks a moral compass. #c7320+9  is totally righteous.
#c535+1 is questionable. #c7320+9 is clearly trustworthy.

The future as reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 supports the status quo. #c7320+9 demands growth.
#c535+1 is for the past. #c7320+9 is for the future.
#c535+1 tolerates the reactionary. #c7320+9 plans the future.
#c535+1 is reactionary diversion. #c7320+9 is real change.
#c535+1 dwells in the past. is the future. #c7320+9#c535+1 tolerates stagnation. demands change.
#c535+1 tolerates stalemate. #c7320+9 demands solutions.
#c535+1 threatens disaster. #c7320+9 secures the future.
#c535+1 is yesterday. #c7320+9 is tomorrow.
#c535+1 tolerates stagnation/regression. #c7320+9 demands progress.
#c535+1 is a future of fear. #c7320+9 is a future of opportunity.

Issues as reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 argues ideology. #c7320+9 improves healthcare.
#c535+1 argues ideology. #c7320+9 improves safety-nets.
#c535+1 allows ignorance. #c7320+9 supports education.
#c535+1 avoids immigration reform. #c7320+9 creates comprehensive reform.
#c535+1 ignores citizen health. #c7320+9 reforms healthcare.
#c535+1 tolerates pollution. #c7320+9 defends ecology.
#c535+1 tolerates dirty/dangerous energy. #c7320+9 supports clean/safe energy.
#c535+1 legislates for insurance. #c7320+9 legislates for healthcare.

Communication reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 is far away. #c7320+9 is nearby.
#c535+1 is too busy. #c7320+9 is readily available.
#c535+1 argues. #c7320+9 finds consensus.
#c535+1 allows fabrication. #c7320+9 demands clarification.
#c535+1 allows opaque government. #c7320+9 demands transparency.
#c535+1 allows misdirection#c7320+9 provides guidance.
#c535+1 is indifferent. #c7320+9 is actively concerned.
#c535+1 is opaque governance. #c7320+9 is transparent governance.
#c535+1 is out of touch. #c7320+9 is closely connected.
#c535+1 tolerates propaganda. #c7320+9 demands truth.
#c535+1 is secretive. #c7320+9 is headlining.
#c535+1 is connected. #c7320+9 is much more connected.
#c535+1 is informed. #c7320+9 is finished already.
#c535+1 talks religion. #c7320+9 talks liberty.
#c535+1 is secretive. #c7320+9 is open.
#c535+1 is difficult conversation. #c7320+9 is easy conversation.
#c535+1 makes it intricate. #c7320+9 makes it simple.
#c535+1 is ambiguous. #c7320+9 is common sense.

Subjective reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 is tedious. #c7320+9 is exciting.
#c535+1 is way to serious. #c7320+9 is too much fun.
#c535+1 are superstars. #c7320+9 are team mates.
#c535+1 is boring. #c7320+9 is dynamic.
#c535+1 is losing approval. #c7320+9 is a reality TV hit.
#c535+1 moves. #c7320+9 hustles.
#c535+1 is super. #c7320+9 is 20x beyond super.
#c535+1 is smart. #c7320+9 is 20x beyond smart.
#c535+1 is savvy. #c7320+9 is much more savvy.
#c535+1 is cool. #c7320+9 is beyond cool.
#c535+1 is hardworking. #c7320+9 is 24/7/365.
#c535+1 is intelligent. #c7320+9 is genius.
#c535+1 is active. #c7320+9 is proactive.
#c535+1 is pretty. #c7320+9 is beautiful.
#c535+1 is brave. #c7320+9 is heroic.
#c535+1 is tough. #c7320+9 is invincible.
#c535+1 is formal. #c7320+9 is casual.

Metaphoric reasons for democratic reform
#c535+1 is a corner office. #c7320+9 is a big tent.
#c535+1 are the stars. #c7320+9 are the stars and stripes.
#c535+1 is the seal team. #c7320+9 is the full brigade.
#c535+1 is justice spoken. #c7320+9 is justice practiced.

It's common sense. When service in a restaurant suffers, more waiters are needed. It's common sense. When fire breaks out everywhere, more fire fighters are needed.  It's common sense. When crime becomes rampant, more police are needed. It's common sense. Building a house requires enough carpenters or waiting a lifetime for results. #c535+1 didn't build Hoover dam.  #c535+1 didn't build the interstate highway. Middle America did. (millions of them)

It's common sense. When democracy morphs to elected oligarchy and America lacks governance, send help to the few surviving democratic representatives.  More representatives are required.  More presidents are required.

Apportion history of failure:
Apportion Math: 
Keep the #c535+1.  Send 6800 more.   #c535+1 is elected autocrat-centered oligarchy.  #c7329 is citizen-centered democracy. The MART citizen-chamber does the right thing.  The MART autocrat-chamber gets it done. Third millennium citizen-democracy is unstoppable.  Resistance or delay is truly tragic. 

Got science?   NASA simulates Mars.  The MART #c7329 team simulates democracy.  Born red/blue?  Don't die red/blue.
Your congress is so bad:
Article the First apportionment:
Iron Law of Oligarchy:
MART defined:
Full Disclosure:
Plan B:
Transparent Budget Writing and Presentation:
Abolish the fed.
Start: #c7329 @_marp @coach1640280
Twitter: @_MARP!/_MARP @coach1640280
Audience: #c7329 #ows #occupy @OccupyTogether 

Citizen is coach to team democracy.   Coach is responsible for success.   It’s your call, coach. #c535+1 democracy hoards power.   #c7329  democracy shares power.   It's your call, coach.

Wanted:  7329 dedicated patriotic volunteers to secure America's future & prosperity by forming a  #c7329 MART citizen-centered democracy team.

Wanted:  Presidential candidates (for one of 9 elected MART executive branch presidents) 2016

May the #c7329 force be with you.

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MART is a Democracy Marathon

MART is a Democracy Marathon
It's your call, Coach