Sunday, December 18, 2011

#DC Propaganda

Background Music:

#DCpropaganda Sex discrimination doesn’t exist in congress. 
#DCpropaganda #HOME 

#DCpropaganda  Middle America is too flaky to govern. 
#DCpropaganda  Big salaries and benefits buy good government.
#DCpropaganda  Democracy/government is naturally transparent.
#DCpropaganda  Racial discrimination doesn’t exist in congress.
#DCpropaganda  #c535+1 congress represents America.

#DCpropaganda  #c535+1 is democracy, not elected oligarchy.
#DCpropaganda POTUS (presidency) is not elected monarchy. 

#DCpropaganda A contorted, opaque, & complex federal reserve system is fair. 
#DCpropaganda A contorted, opaque, corrupt, voluminous, US Tax code is fair. 
#DCpropaganda Elected officials outweigh people power. 
#DCpropaganda Laws outweigh people power. 
#DCpropaganda DC cares about state and local governments. 
#DCpropaganda City government is irrelevant. Stop signs aren't gov’t regulation. 
#DCpropaganda Elected oligarchy is democracy. 
#DCpropaganda Elected oligarchy doesn’t discriminate. 
#DCpropaganda Congressional objectivity is unaffected by 17000 lobbyists. 
#DCpropaganda Ethics, morality, and truth determine monetary policy. 
#DCpropaganda Congressional districts are objectively drawn. 
#DCpropaganda Re-election is a congressional sideline. 
#DCpropaganda Elected monarchy is presidential. 
#DCpropaganda The president is a team player. 
#DCpropaganda The justice system is just. 
#DCpropaganda Rule of law requires rule by lawyers. 
#DCpropaganda The middle class is middle America. 
#DCpropaganda #ows #occupy is marginal unfocused politics. 
#DCpropaganda Mainstream media is trustworthy news. 
#DCpropaganda War prevents terrorism. 
#DCpropaganda Iraq  had WMD’s. 
#DCpropaganda Iran is getting WMD’s. 

#DCpropaganda DC cares about immigration. 
#DCpropaganda China cares what America is doing. 
#DCpropaganda The world cares what America is doing. 

#DCpropaganda DC cares about citizen healthcare. 
#DCpropaganda America has world-class healthcare. 
#DCpropaganda No-one suffers from lack of healthcare. (40K die/year) 

#DCpropaganda Nuclear power is safe. 
#DCpropaganda America can drill to oil independence.

#DCpropaganda DC should micro-manage stimulus funds for job creation. 
#DCpropaganda States should micro-manage stimulus funds for job creation. 
#DCpropaganda "Trickle-down" city-government job stimulus funds is natural. 
#DCpropaganda City/local governments cannot manage job stimulus funds. 

#DCpropaganda Recession is caused by debt,taxes,spending. 
#DCpropaganda Recession is not related to skyrocketing CPI and flat median wage. 
#DCpropaganda 10%owns80% is fair and natural. 80%owns80% is fantasy. 
#DCpropaganda A 10%owns80% economy is not an endless recession economy. 
#DCpropaganda Wallstreet derivatives don’t patronize the currency. 
#DCpropaganda Wallstreet derivatives are economically harmless. 
#DCpropaganda Wallstreet derivatives have no effect on the CPI. 
#DCpropaganda Prices and pricing are recession irrelevant. 
#DCpropaganda The economy is over-all stable. 
#DCpropaganda Recession can be fiat-money bought away. 
#DCpropaganda Skyrocketing CPI (consumer price index) is natural. 
#DCpropaganda Three decades of flat median income is natural. 
#DCpropaganda A skewed household income distribution is natural. 
#DCpropaganda The recession is fading. 
#DCpropaganda Economic recovery is imminent. 

#DCpropaganda Banker/fed economic rule is too big to fail. 
#DCpropaganda There is no banker/federal-reserve cartel. 
#DCpropaganda Ownership rights (setting wage and price) are 1% rights. #oinc 
#DCpropaganda National/state/local debt spells doom. 
#DCpropaganda Mortgages are cast in stone. 
#DCpropaganda Debt is unforgivable sin. 

#DCpropaganda The radical desperate poor need a job. 

#DCpropaganda Radical wealthy elites are good for the economy. 
#DCpropaganda Radical wealthy elites generate jobs. 

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