Friday, July 1, 2011

MARP Tweet Streams Prior 5/30/11

0 Agenda   @@@
1 Middle America governs. #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy  #PrayForMiddleAmerica
2 Common sense governs.
3 Organized common sense in government by sortition.
4 Common sense speaks to genius. Common sense speaks to power.
5 Common sense speaks to the desperate poor. #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy  #PrayForMiddleAmerica
6 Common sense speaks to the wealthy elite.
7 Bold, common sense political conversation in 20+ political parties. #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy  #PrayForMiddleAmerica

0 Autocrat  @@@
1 Autocrat government shutdown is congressional democracy extortion. #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy
2 Autocrat government shutdown is wealthy-elite/desperate-poor defining democracy.
3 Autocrat decline is: denial,resistance,arrogance,resignation. Congress and the president shutdown is arrogance.

0 Bold Conversation  @@@
1 Bold conversation: As much as I hate to know this, is it true? #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy
2 Bold conversation: Where’d that fact come from?
3 Bold conversation: Does this make logical sense?
4 Bold conversation: Does this make common sense? #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy #PrayForMiddleAmerica
5 Bold conversation: Is this the middle-America, desperate-poor, or wealthy-elite agenda?
6 Bold conversation speaks common sense to genius.
7 Bold conversation speaks common sense to power. #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy

0 Broke  @@@
1 Broke: MARP is blueprint to middle America governance and financial reform.  #PrayForMiddleAmerica
2 Broke: War, global military presence, bailouts, and corporate deadbeats starve democracy. #HelpDemocracy  #PrayForDemocracy
3 Broke: Federal, state, and local governments are broke. A third working stimulus package is needed:
4 Broke: The federal government is broke and can only print more money to delay collapse/revolution.
5 Broke: Fiat money printing enslaves middle America. Middle America governance ends this enslavement.
6 Broke: Politicians, in denial of all-government financial collapse, give way to democratic reform. #HelpDemocracy 
7 Broke: It’s not really about money, its about democracy, middle America, and America’s future.
8 Broke: Freedom requires massive citizen infusion into democratic institutions & a new alliance of the people to its government.
9 Broke: MARP is blueprint to middle America governance and financial reform. 

0 Common Sense @@@
1 Common sense: Middle east wars bankrupt Russia? Now US? Did anyone learn anything from Russia calamity?
2 Common sense and casual observation: Wealthy elite tax cuts lost jobs for 8 years. More jobs now? Not! HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 Common sense: Will it ever return to DC? Upgrade to democracy: 

1 Common Sense  @@@
2 Common sense: MiddleAmericaReformParty is common sense consensus democracy. Upgrade to democracy:
3 Common sense: Autocracy strays too far. Democracy is common sense government. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
4 Common sense is superior to genius because it’s additive. #PrayForMiddleAmerica
5 Common sense knows no ownership. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
6 Common sense leads to consensus.
7 Common sense boldly speaks to genius. #PrayForMiddleAmerica
8 Common sense boldly speaks to power.
9 Common sense centers leadership.
10 Common sense has political technology and organization. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
11 Common sense is a 9 voting president executive.
12 Common sense is 12,000 congressional representatives. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
13 Common sense is 1000 demonstrators. #PrayForMiddleAmerica
14 Common sense: MiddleAmericaReformParty is common sense consensus democracy. Upgrade to democracy:

0 Consensus Government  @@@
1 Consensus is the common sense of a thousand demonstrators. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
2 Consensus is democracy. Compromise and deals is oligarchy.
3 Consensus rules democracy. Compromise/deals rule oligarchy.
4 Consensus spells success for presidents.
5 Consensus spells success for congress.
6 Consensus spells success for democracy. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
7 Consensus spells success and a brighter future for America.
8 Consensus is a 12000 congress and 9 president executive.
9 Consensus resists propaganda. Herman&Chomsky 
10 Consensus resists autocrats, tyranny, and corruption.
11 Consensus is MiddleAmericaReformParty common sense democracy. Upgrade to democracy:
12 Consensus is the common sense of a thousand demonstrators. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 Corporate  @@@
1 Corporate: China is entirely owned by the government. The communist party, 10% of citizens, manage all ownership.
2 Corporate:  America is 80% owned by corporations. America’s wealthy elite, 3% of citizens, manage 80% American ownership.
3 Corporate: China has oligarchy managed economy.  America has oligarchy managed economy.  Where’s democracy?
4 Corporate: What’s the big bottom-line ownership difference between communism and capitalism? There is no difference.
5 Corporate: Middle America stops corporate communism and reclaims ownership of America. Tax corporate America and regain ownership.
6 Corporate: You own it. You pay taxes on it. You own nothing, you pay nothing. Stop corporate deadbeats and empowers middle America.
7 Corporate: You own 80% of America? Then pays 80% America’s taxes.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_MARP
8 Corporate: Ownership is a privilege, not a right. Corporations own America. Corporations pay America’s taxes.

0 Corporate Agenda  @@@
1 Corporate agenda:a.Own100%America b.PayNoTaxes c.MakeAllRules #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Corporate gets: a. 100% responsibility b. $14 trillion debt c. anarchy [Be careful what you wish for] 
3 Third millennium outcome: Owners (mostly corporates) of America pay all taxes. Own nothing, pay nothing.

0 CouldBe  @@@
1 CouldBe worse ends when America stops asking:Why? and starts asking:Why not? Upgrade to democracy:  1
2  CoutlBe worse becomes “CouldBe better” when middle America governs #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 CouldBe worse is strongest autocrat argument in the universe.
4 CouldBe worse is mainstream message of Fox, MSNBC, all of ‘em.
5 CouldBe worse is message of congress shutdown extortion performance.
6 CouldBe worse is autocrat justification for citizen hardship.
7 CouldBe worse is war, immigration, failed-ecology, recession, foreclosure, joblessness, tax, debt, underclass
8 CouldBe worse is strongest autocrat argument in the universe.
9 CouldBe worse becomes “CouldBe better” when middle America governs #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
10 CouldBe worse ends when America stops asking:Why? and starts asking:Why not? Upgrade to democracy:

0 Critical Mass @@@
1 Democracy requires a certain critical democratic mass of governing representation to succeed. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Without this critical mass, government priorities are violated, corruption, misguidance, and stupidity prevails.
3 Citizens-per-congressperson measures government access. In 1790 it was 26,666. Today it is 575,000. .
4 Today’s citizen access to US federal government is less than 5% what existed in 1790.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
5 MARP re-citizenizes democracy to soundly restore a 1790 critical mass representation in government.
6 MiddleAmericaReformParty is common sense consensus democracy.MARP follows back.Upgrade to democracy:

1Definitions  @@@ 
2Definition: demonstrators: Massive infusion of common sense.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_MARP
3Definition: fascism  #HelpDemocracy
4Definition: Plutocracy #HelpDemocracy
5Definition: oligarchy (too few governing too many)  #
6Definition: Iron law of oligarchy  Robert Michels  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_MARP
7Definition: sortition -  Discussion: 
8Definition: Newid - Means Change, a sortition party.
9Definition: Women's Reservation Bill  
10Definition: Consensus (today’s exception)  Compromise(today’s rule) 
11Definition: common sense. - Consensus waiting to happen.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_MARP

1 Demonstrators  @@@
2 Common sense is 1000 demonstrators. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 Common sense, gone viral, is consensus.
4  Consensus is third millennium democracy.
5 535 congress is 11465 short of common sense.
6 One president is 8 short of common sense. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
7 Common sense, gone viral, forms consensus democracy.
8 Consensus democracy is third millennium democracy.

1 Demonstrator Shadow Government  @@@
2 Demonstrators massively infuse common sense into misguided autocrats and bureaucrats.
3 Shadow government is demonstrator pro-action to assert continued pressure for change or reform.
4 Shadow government consists of demonstrators, elected, assigned, or sortitioned to “shadow” existing government.
5 Shadow government is volunteers staying after demonstration to continue pressing protest agenda.
6 Shadow government continually defines and articulates demands, hopes, and aspirations of demonstrators.
7 Shadow government organizes demonstrator volunteers gathering resources and ideas for future ongoing action.
8 Shadow governments continually remind elected autocrats and representatives of larger agendas and priorities.
9 Shadow governments continually question legitimacy, actions, and motives of current government institutions.
10 Shadow government is formation of a “mini” political party.

1 Federal Government @@@
2 The federal government can bridge too far. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 Separate money and state:
4 Separate the federal government and social policy.
5 United Independent States of America  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
6 The federal government can bridge too far. Upgrade to democracy: #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

1 Future   @@@
2 What future power stingy red/blue yawn/boring/incompetent American politics? #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 What future is two party elected oligarchy | elected monarchy government?
4 What future is under representative democracy?
5 What future is perpetual election bickering and election cycle governance?
6 What future is leadership, not America’s own?    
7 What future is wrong priority governance?
8 What future is billion dollar money/state/religion elections?  
9 What future is corporate priority driven coal, oil, and nuclear energy? #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
10 What future is service/information/casino economies?
11 What future abandons American human energy, pride, production, and creativity?
12 What future is failure and expense limited education?
13 What future is reduced life expectancies?       
14 What future is expanding prisons?
15 What future is perpetual war? #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
16 What future is world homicide leadership?
17 What future is diminishing middle America?
18 What future can be proudly handed the next generation? #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
19 Citizen is coach to team democracy. Coach is responsible for success. It’s your call, coach.

0 Good Media  @@@
1 Good media asks: As much as I hate to report this, is it true? Good media is never in denial. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Good media asks: Where’d that fact come from?
3 Good media asks: Does this report make logical sense?
4 Good media asks: Does this report make common sense? #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
5 Good media asks: Whose agenda is this, wealthy-elite, middle-America, desperate-poor?
6 Good media reports: Who’s sponsoring this news event? #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

1 Governance:   @@@
2 Governance: Middle America governs.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 Governance: Middle America possesses the moral/legitimate center required for effective governance.
4 Governance: Desperate-poor are too tempted/distracted by easy/quick solutions to stubborn poverty.
5 Governance: Wealthy-elite are too tempted/distracted by latest wealth-building technologies and schemes. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
6 Governance:  Middle America possesses the moral/legitimate center required for effective governance.
7 Governance: Middle America governs.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 If DC governed:  @@@
1 Don’t ask why.  Ask why not?
2 If DC governed, the underclass would be contracting.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy    
3 If DC governed, immigration would be under control. 
4 If DC governed, the gulf would be clean. 
5 If DC governed, there’d be no foreclosures. :
6 If DC governed, social policy would be left to the states.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy   
7 If DC governed, there’d be full employment. #
8 If DC governed, healthcare would be universally available.
9 If DC governed, there’d be no recession.
10 If DC governed, there’d be no national debt.
11 If DC governed, congress wouldn’t be so boring.:
12 If DC governed, taxes would be voluntary. 
13 If DC governed, there’d be no government shutdown . #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy    
14 If DC governed, there’d be no wars.  
15 If DC governed, money would be separate from politics.
16 IF DC governed, unions would be unnecessary 
17 If DC governed, half  DC would be women. 
18 If DC governed, middle America would be expanding.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy      
19 Don’t ask why.  Ask: Why not?

0 Irrational Government  @@@
1  Irrational government is war about WMD’s that don’t exist. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2  Irrational government lacks comprehensive immigration policy.
3  Irrational government allows oil drilling, without reform, in a still polluted gulf.
4  Irrational government gives tax breaks to the wealthy during recession.
5  Irrational government allows massive foreclosures and homelessness.
6  Irrational government has no plan to create and maintain productive national employment. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
7  Irrational government is reverse robin-hood taxation.
8  Irrational government is spiraling national debt.
9  Irrational government replaces local elected governments with autocratic rule.
10 Irrtional government denies major symptom and cause of failures.
11 Irrational government ignores important, basic, underlying, and unrecognized truths or paradigms.
12 Irrational government is elected oligarchy governance.
13 Irrational government is elected monarch executive governance.
14 Irrational government substitutes oligarchy for democracy. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 Immigration  @@@
1 Immigration: Mexican People Take to the Streets against the Drug War  
2 Immigration: I like to be in America:
4 Immigration: 50M Latinos 
5 Immigration: One of 9 elephants: war,ecology,recession,foreclosure,joblessness,tax,debt,underclass.

1 Lies @@@
2 Lies are like cockroaches. One seen is a thousand within the walls. Lies seriously infest DC. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp
3 Elected oligarchy posing as democracy is a big lie underlying 1000 lies. Upgrade congress:            
4 Elected monarchy posing as executive is a big lie underlying 1000 lies. Upgrade the presidency:    
5 Autocracy posing as judicial is a big lie underlying 1000 lies. Upgrade the judicial.               
6 Corporate tax cuts stimulate jobs is a big lie underlying 1000 lies. Third stimulus:
7 America, as democracy and not elected oligarchy, is a big lie underlying 1000 lies. Upgrade to democracy:

0 Marp agenda  @@@
1 Marp agenda: Women’s Reservation Bill  NOW! FIRST! (150 yrs late) #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Marp agenda: To disperse congressional power.
3 Marp agenda: To disperse presidential power.
4 Marp agenda: To empower state governments.  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
5 Marp agenda: To empower local governments.
6 Marp agenda: Middle American governance of radical desperate poor and radical wealthy elite.
7 Marp agenda: Middle America firmly at center of American democratic power.
8 Marp agenda: To boldly speak common sense to genius.
9 Marp agenda: To boldly speak common sense to power. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_marp

0 Nuclear legacy @@@
1 Nuclear legacy: #EnoughRadiationAlready
2 Nuclear legacy An introduction.- Wikipedia
3 Nuclear legacy development - Wikipedia
4 Nuclear legacy growth – Wikipedia graph  (graph) #EnoughRadiationAlready
5 Nuclear legacy: A cart before the horse? #helpjapan #prayforjapan #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
6 Nuclear legacy: Japan: Vulnerable to tsunami and seriously constipated with radioactive waste. #helpjapan #prayforjapan
7 Nuclear legacy: Japan YouTube - (Subbed) Nuclear Boy うんち・おならで例える原発解説 #helpjapan #prayforjapan
8 Nuclear legacy is inextinguishable fire, a fireman’s nightmare, a CA catastrophe waiting to happen on quake fault lines.
9 Nuclear legacy: A piece of the sun on earth, eternal inextinguishable fire, eternal inextinguishable radiation. #EnoughRadiationAlready
10 Nuclear legacy: A lethal constipation of radioactive materials without adequate elimination technology.
11 Nuclear legacy: #EnoughRadiationAlready

0 Oligarchy  @@@
1 Oligarchy is too few governing too many. Definition:  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy 
2 Oligarchy drives up cost of government access.
3 Oligarchy allows legal-papered entities to compete and crowd out citizen access to government.
4 Oligarchy makes citizens, beg, pray, or pay for government access. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
5 Oligarchy is 535 oligarchy congress, 11,500 too few.
6 Oligarchy is monarchy presidency, 8 presidents too few.  #HelpDemocracy 
7 Oligarchy allows billion dollar elections and money-state-religion.
8 Oligarchy turns the election cycle into worship of money-wins money-state-religion.
9 Oligarchy brings war, immigration crisis, ecology crisis, recession, foreclosure, joblessness, tax, and debt
10 Oligarchy decline: denial,resistance,arrogance,resignation Congress and president are in denial.
11 Oligarchy is too few governing too many. Definition:  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 Ownership and Taxes  @@@
1 US American politics is 100% about ownership, income, and currency.
2 Ownership in China is 100% Communist party, 10% of citizens.
3 Ownership in China is maintained through single political party organization.
4 Ownership in USA is 80% wealthy elite, 20% middle America, and 0% desperate-poor.
5 The wealthy-elite are 10% of the population, middle America 76%, and the desperate-poor 14%
6 Ownership in USA is maintained through corporate systems and feverish government lobbies.
7 Political/economic corporate cartel systems have diminished middle America ownership for decades.
8 The destiny of ownership is the destiny of income.  The destiny of the currency is the destiny of middle America.
9 Bringing greater ownership to middle America requires realignment of middle America’s 76% to its government.
10 Plan-b, 12000 +9, upgrades America to consensus democracy and firmly seats middle America at center of power.
11 Middle America is the essence of America’s character, prosperity, and future. It’s time for middle America to govern.
12 Who owns America? Own it, pay taxes on it. Own nothing, pay nothing.  @_marp   

0 President  @@@
1 President/monarch/executive branch has one voting member, never outvoted. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy   
2 President: Democracy is win/win. Being outvoted is character building. Being president is not.    
3 President: Autocrat decline: Denial,resistance,arrogance,resignation. The president is in denial   
4 President: Nine presidents serving and voting at once is better than one. |   
5 President: Democracy can disperse presidential power too. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy   

0 Principled Government @@@
A search for principled government is a search for consensus is a search for democracy. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 Revolution  @@@
1 Revolution is awakening,denial,frustration,resistance,pro-action,victory. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Revolution: Reagan: Government is the problem. Awakening.
3 Revolution: Jesse Ventura resistance
4 Revolution: Max Keiser on Revolts: American & Middle East Uprising Trend resistance #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
5 Revolution: Democratic revolution disperses power. Autocratic revolution consolidates power. It’s your call, coach.
6 Revolution: Autocratic revolution is a sprint, simple, swift, panic stricken, dangerous, bloody, leading to tyranny and ruin.
7 Revolution: Democratic revolution is marathon,complex, slow, steady,frustrating, pro-longed, peaceful, leading to freedom and prosperity.
8 Revolution: America insists on democratic revolution. It’s your call coach.

0 Shutdown  @@@
1 Shutdown is oligarchy congress decline: denial,resistance,arrogance,reform. Congress is arrogantly resisting. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Shutdown is oligarchy congress to citizen: “It could be worse!  Shutdown!”
3 Shutdown is oligarchy congress to democracy: “It could be worse! Shutdown!”
4 Shutdown is oligarchy congress democracy extortion. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
5 Shutdown is wealthy-elite/desperate-poor defining agenda.
6 Shutdown is oligarchy congress decline: denial,resistance,arrogance,reform. Congress is arrogantly resisting. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 Shutdown  3 line @@@
1 Shutdown is oligarchy congress democracy extortion. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
2 Shutdown is wealthy-elite/desperate-poor defining agenda.
3 Shutdown is oligarchy congress decline: Denial,resistance,arrogance,reform. Congress is arrogantly resisting. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 Sortition  @@@
1 Sortition  Definition  #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_MARP
2 Sortition: Organized common sense. 
3 Sortition: Why Sortition Leadership?
4 Sortition: Next Step for Democracy: A Government BY the People  
5 Sortition: What if congress were soritioned?  Expecting More Say « Equality by lot #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
6 Sortition: Newid - Means Change, a sortition party. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy @_MARP

0 Super Democracy @@@
1 Democracy decline: elected oligarchy, plutocratic oligarchy, oligarchy. Reference: Iron law of oligarchy:
2 Super-democracy: 9 president executive, 6000 member house, 6000 sortitioned senate, proactive judicial. Plan-b:
3 America, wayyyyyyyyyyy too trusts its government. Why not 2100% uncorruptibility?
4 @_marp is not anger or madness.Priority is hunger,starvation,malaria. #PrayForDemocracy #HelpDemocracy

1Third Millenium   @@@
2 Third millennium to middle America: Can’t take jobs for granted. Get proactive. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 Third millennium to middle America: Unrepresentative congresses don’t govern. #PriorityPriorityPriority
4 Third millennium to middle America: The dollar belongs to middle America. A third stimulus will work.
5 Third millennium to autocrats: US worker third world status is unacceptable & will not stand. 
6 Third millennium to both parties: Middle America is not for sale. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
7 Third millennium 62 character tax code:Who owns America? Own it, pay taxes. Own nothing, pay nothing.
8 Third millennium to corporate: Half labor executive board representation is inevitable
9 Third millennium to emerging democracies: Remember Libya  #prayforLibya 
10 Third millennium to wallstreet:Derivatives/financial-instruments patronize economic systems.Butt out!Get a job!
11Third millennium to wallstreet: Food products speculation/derivatives not cute or harmless. Patronize elsewhere,pig! 
12 Third millennium to presidential candidates:  Get @_ MARP
13 Third millennium to congressional candidates: Get @_ MARP

0 Third Millennium Democracy  @@@
1 Second millennium democracy is deals-&-compromise democracy.
2 Third millennium democracy is consensus democracy. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

0 War    @@@
1 War: US troops remain because exported democracies to Iraq and Afghanistan are dysfunctional needing reform.
3 War: Smart emerging constitutions.
4 War: Latest government technology:
5 War: Afghan war is nation building.  It’s the Afghan government, stupid.
6 War: Libya Third Time’s the Charm.
7 War: Libya needs elections now, revolution or not. Why elections now?
8 War: The problems with war are the immorality of killing and taking responsibility for damages.

1 Women in congress  @@@
2 Lack of representation in congress leaves women without democratic dignity. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy
3 Men in congress clearly understand the universal law: Never argue with a woman. 
4 Fear, however, is no reason to deny female congressional representation. #HelpDemocracy #PrayForDemocracy

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MART is a Democracy Marathon

MART is a Democracy Marathon
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